Custom Reception


How you are received at a company is the first impression and can set the tone for the entire business engagement. The person who is receiving has a big role to fill and deserves a workspace that is comfortable and meets their needs. Particular attention must be given to what roles the receptionist has responsibility for beyond the traditional tasks since many also work to support multiple areas of the business.

This workstation not only addresses the various storage needs and work styles appropriate for a modern reception station, it also highlights custom capabilities. I worked closely with product development to create storage solutions that integrated with height adjustable surfaces, that combined with interactive touch areas that received task work, and also provided space for product deliveries.

Understanding manufacturing limitations is important since it can be a driver for the aesthetics and overall sizes of the design vision. In custom situations I use my knowledge of manufacturing combined with my understanding of building to craft a workspace that is successful for the requirements of the work performed in the space.


Susan • June 5, 2016

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